
registry.backend configures which backend is used. Supported backends are: consul, static, file, custom. If custom is used fabio makes an api call to a remote system expecting the below json response

  "cmd": "string",
  "service": "string",
  "src": "string",
  "dst": "string",
  "weight": float,
  "tags": ["string"],
  "opts": {"string":"string"}

The default is

registry.backend = consul

Short description of the fields required for a custom backend

To configure routes Fabio uses a Config Language, specified here

  • cmd - the command to add, remove or change weight of a route. For example route add to add a new route mapping.
  • service - the name that the service will show up in the UI.
  • src - usually the prefix that will be used in the routing table.
  • dst - the endpoint that will be used as the destination of the routing table.
  • weight - defines the weight of this path to perform routing. For example route A 90% and route B 10% for canary deployments.
  • tags - a list of tags, provide a way to filter routes, making it easier to do operations like bulk deletes route del tags "dev".
  • opts - a KV map of the config language list of options. for example proto or prefix