
  1. Install from source, binary, Docker or Homebrew.

    go get github.com/fabiolb/fabio                     (>= go1.15)
    brew install fabio                                  (OSX/macOS stable)
    docker pull fabiolb/fabio                           (Docker)
    https://github.com/fabiolb/fabio/releases           (pre-built binaries)
  2. Register your service in Consul.

    Make sure that each instance registers with a unique ServiceID and a service name without spaces.

  3. Register a health check in Consul as described here.

    Make sure the health check is PASSING since fabio will only watch services which have a passing health check.

  4. Routes are stored in Consul Service Tags and you need to add a separate urlprefix- tag for every host/path prefix the service serves.

    For example, if your service handles /user and /product then add two tags urlprefix-/user and urlprefix-/product. You can register as many prefixes as you want.

    fabio can forward HTTP, HTTPS and TCP traffic. Below are some configuration examples:

    # HTTP/S examples
    # Make sure the prefix for HTTP routes contains at least one slash (/).
    urlprefix-/css                                     # path route
    urlprefix-i.com/static                             # host specific path route
    urlprefix-mysite.com/                              # host specific catch all route
    urlprefix-/foo/bar strip=/foo                      # path stripping (forward '/bar' to upstream)
    urlprefix-/bar prepend=/foo                        # path prepending (forward '/foo/bar' to upstream)
    urlprefix-/foo/bar proto=https                     # HTTPS upstream
    urlprefix-/foo/bar proto=https tlsskipverify=true  # HTTPS upstream and self-signed cert
    # TCP examples
    urlprefix-:3306 proto=tcp                          # route external port 3306
    urlprefix-:3306 proto=tcp pxyproto=true            # enables PROXY protocol on outbount TCP connection
    # GRPC/S examples
    urlprefix-/my.service/Method proto=grpc                      # method specific route
    urlprefix-/my.service proto=grpc                             # service specific route
    urlprefix-/my.service proto=grpcs                            # TLS upstream
    urlprefix-/my.service proto=grpcs grpcservername=my.service  # TLS upstream with servername override
    urlprefix-/my.service proto=grpcs tlsskipverify=true         # TLS upstream and self-signed cert
  5. Start fabio without a config file

    $ fabio

    This assumes that a Consul agent is running on localhost:8500.

    Watch the log output how fabio picks up the route to your service.

    Note: For running fabio in Docker look here.

  6. Try starting/stopping your service to see how the routing table changes instantly.

  7. Test that you can access the upstream service via fabio

    # for urlprefix-/foo
    curl -i http://localhost:9999/foo
    # for urlprefix-mysite.com/foo
    curl -i -H 'Host: mysite.com' http://localhost:9999/foo
  8. Send all your HTTP traffic to fabio on port 9999