Access Logging

Support for writing access logs for HTTP requests in the Common Log Format or the Combined Log Format or a custom format to stdout.

By default, access logs are disabled. To enable them set This will write access logs in the Common Log Format to stdout. The standard fabio logs are still written to stderr.

The log format can be controlled with the log.access.format parameter which is either common, combined - which outputs the Combined Log Format - or a custom format string which is fully described in

# log.access.format configures the format of the access log.
# If the value is either 'common' or 'combined' then the logs are written in
# the Common Log Format or the Combined Log Format as defined below:
# 'common':   $remote_host - - [$time_common] "$request" $response_status $response_body_size
# 'combined': $remote_host - - [$time_common] "$request" $response_status $response_body_size "$header.Referer" "$header.User-Agent"
# Otherwise, the value is interpreted as a custom log format which is defined
# with the following parameters. Providing an empty format when logging is
# enabled is an error. To disable access logging leave the
# value empty.
#   $header.<name>           - request http header (name: [a-zA-Z0-9-]+)
#   $remote_addr             - host:port of remote client
#   $remote_host             - host of remote client
#   $remote_port             - port of remote client
#   $request                 - request <method> <uri> <proto>
#   $request_args            - request query parameters
#   $request_host            - request host header (aka server name)
#   $request_method          - request method
#   $request_scheme          - request scheme
#   $request_uri             - request URI
#   $request_url             - request URL
#   $request_proto           - request protocol
#   $response_body_size      - response body size in bytes
#   $response_status         - response status code
#   $response_time_ms        - response time in S.sss format
#   $response_time_us        - response time in S.ssssss format
#   $response_time_ns        - response time in S.sssssssss format
#   $time_rfc3339            - log timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ format
#   $time_rfc3339_ms         - log timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ format
#   $time_rfc3339_us         - log timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.ssssssZ format
#   $time_rfc3339_ns         - log timestamp in YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssssssssZ format
#   $time_unix_ms            - log timestamp in unix epoch ms
#   $time_unix_us            - log timestamp in unix epoch us
#   $time_unix_ns            - log timestamp in unix epoch ns
#   $time_common             - log timestamp in DD/MMM/YYYY:HH:MM:SS -ZZZZ
#   $upstream_addr           - host:port of upstream server
#   $upstream_host           - host of upstream server
#   $upstream_port           - port of upstream server
#   $upstream_request_scheme - upstream request scheme
#   $upstream_request_uri    - upstream request URI
#   $upstream_request_url    - upstream request URL
#   $upstream_service        - name of the upstream service
# The default is
# log.access.format = common